A Seat at the Table

A Seat at the Table is a must read for IT managers and CIOs who are looking to integrate IT practices as a dynamic actor for their business, which in today's digital world is needed more than ever before. This book looks at the impact of agile and lean thinking, DevOps, Lean Startup, and other contemporary management ideas to define the new role of IT leadership and how it fits into the business organisation.
Organised in three parts: 'Finding a Seat at the Table', 'Earning a Seat at the Table', and 'Sitting at the Table' — A Seat at the Table looks at the impact of contemporary management ideas for IT organisations within enterprises. Using humour and a deep knowledge of what it takes to get a seat at the table, Mark Schwartz shows readers how to define the new role of IT, where CIOs fit within the bigger picture of a business organisation, and how to get C-level leadership to enrol in a new vision for IT leadership.