Faith and Sword: A Short History of Christian-Muslim Conflict

Paperback | 2nd Revised and Expanded ed Ed. | Dec 2016 | REAKTION BOOKS | 9781780236728 | 320pp | 216x138mm | GEN | AUD$24.99, NZD$29.99
Hardback | Jul 2006 | REAKTION BOOKS | 9781861892720 | 224pp | 228x133mm | GEN | AUD$59.95, NZD$69.99
Faith and Sword gives a wide-ranging and detailed survey of what has arguably been the longest conflict in human history – a conflict that continues, in a new form, to this day. The overtly religious Christian-Muslim struggle lasted for nearly thirteen centuries, and for most of that period the Muslims were in the ascendant. The Christians eventually halted the tide of Arab conquest, but their counterstroke in the Crusades ended in failure and the Muslim threat was renewed by the Ottoman Turks.