The Unofficial Pokémon GO Tracker's Guide: Finding the Rarest Pokémon and Strangest PokéStops on the Planet

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Dec 2016 | page two | 9780995266506 | 152pp | 216x140mm | GEN | AUD$19.99, NZD$24.99
All Ages
Immerse yourself in the Pokémon GO global community and uncover secrets of the Pokémon world in this firstofitskind, full colour guide. Experience infamous and obscure PokéStops first hand through the eyes of reallife Pokémon GO players - just like you! See how players congregate at Central Park to catch a rare Vaporeon or paddle to remote islands in New Zealand to claim hidden PokéGyms. Hear from fulltime Pokémon Training Masters who travel the world in search of rare Pokémon like Mr. Mime, Tauros, Kangaskhan, and Farfetch’d, who are available exclusively in their native continents.
Get an inside look at the strangest PokéStop locations that are becoming hubs for rare Pokémon sightings:
This edition features 160 pages of tips and secrets for tracking rare Pokémon in strange places, playful cartoon illustrations in the visual style of the app, and images of the strangest PokéStops. The Unofficial Pokémon GO Tracker’s Guide is the perfect companion for Pokémon diehard fans, evangelical gamers, and shameless bandwagoners of all ages.