Australian Reptile and Amphibian in Captivity
A Guide to Australian Pythons in Captivity

Australian Reptile and Amphibian in Captivity
A Guide to Australian Pythons in Captivity
Paperback | Aug 2014 | ABK/Reptile Publications | 9780987244772 | 216pp | 235x165mm | GEN
This 216-page title is the latest pet owner/breeder reference on Australian pythons in captivity to be published in Australia. Written by Adam Elliott, with contributing authors, Dr Robert Johnson presenting the Health and Disease chapter, and Dr Justin Julander presenting the Taxonomy, Hybridisation and Morphs sections, the information is aimed at all levels of expertise in reptile keeping. All aspects regarding the captive care of pythons are presented in a simple-to-read layout. Over 400 images support details on general management including selection, handling, housing, temperature, thermoregulation, lighting, humidity, feeding—what to feed, nutrition, how to feed and feeding problems.