The Dog

Hardback (Picture book) | Feb 2018 | Greystone Books | 9781771642712 | 24pp | 222x222mm | GEN | AUD$14.99, NZD$18.99
A testament to the comforting power of an animal's love.
The uncomplicated love and dedication of a dog can make anyone feel better—particularly a child who is small and vulnerable. Through beautiful, simple illustrations and words, The Dog shows how one animal helps a young boy who is ill. She is his comfort, his companion, and his friend; when he's unhappy, she places her paw on his hand to show him she's there.
The Dog is a story for young children, and for anyone who has ever owned a pet. But most of all, it shows how important animal companionship is for children. The warmth of animal friends helps make life worth living, especially when times are tough.