Stepping On: Building Confidence and Reducing Falls: A Community-Based Program for Older People, Third edition

Paperback (Trade paperback AUS/UK) | Third edition | Nov 2019 | Sydney University Press | 9781743326640 | 314pp | 254x178mm | GEN | AUD$80.00, NZD$100.00
The Stepping On program is a community-based falls-prevention program that shows participants how to reduce falls, increase confidence and maintain personal independence. Originally developed in Australia, based on research and scientifically proven to work, the Stepping On program is now internationally recognised as best practice in falls prevention.
The Stepping On manual is aimed at health professionals who work in the area of falls prevention with older people. It offers a step-by-step guide to running the seven-week group program, essential background information and resources, and handouts for group participants.
This new edition has been thoroughly revised and redesigned to incorporate the latest research in falls prevention.