Sima's Healthy Indulgence: 100 Revamped, Guilt-Free Recipes to Transform Your Life

Hardback (B402) | Mar 2018 | Skyhorse Publishing | 9781510728073 | 272pp | 241x191mm | GEN | AUD$37.99, NZD$47.99
Sima's definition of transformation is not about obsessing over the numbers on a scale—it is all about something that blossoms from within you, out from your very pores, that ends with a lustrous glow that shows all over your transformed self. It's not just about eating good food and feeding your hungry belly, it's about discovering who you are, and transforming your body and life from the inside out.
When clients said they had a sweet tooth, or they were hungry for their latest diet's "no-no food" and wanted to eat without the guilt that came with it, something immediately clicked in Sima's mind, and she knew that she had to create a perfect, life-changing meal plan for them. This book is the ultimate guide to guiltless freedom that you can celebrate every day, without any depriving, compromising, counting calories, or measuring body fat!
After two decades, countless hours, thousands of clients, and customized food and detox plans, it was a no-brainer to understand that everybody—no matter their age or social status—wants their cake, and to eat it too. This book will transform how you think, what you eat, and the way you live. Losing weight is just the cherry on top of the sugar-free sundae.