School Scandals: Blowing the Whistle on the Corruption of Our Education System, First Edition

Paperback | Sep 2020 | Policy Press | 9781447338550 | 314pp | 216x138mm | GEN | AUD$29.99, NZD$34.99
This book brings together a large amount of literature currently found in media articles, online and in reports, academic books and digital dissertations for the first time to bring together the scattered reporting of bad behaviour in order to draw attention to its systemic nature and also look at how to address the issues raised.
With almost daily reports of failings in school management, school discipline and the curriculum, what can be done to improve educational outcomes for everyone?
Pat Thomson takes on England's muddled education system, highlighting failings caused by the actions of ministers in successive governments. While corrupt actions are taken by some, it is predominantly the corruption of the system that is at fault.
Using the lens of school scandals, she exposes fraudulent, and unethical practices, including the skewing of the curriculum and manipulation of results. Thomson argues for an urgent review of current practices leading to a revitalised education system that has the public good at its heart.
'A well-researched, closely argued and scholarly book, combining theory with vivid contemporary examples, this is a good read that deals with a topic that is extremely timely and relevant.' — Peter Moss, UCL Institute of Education, University College London