The Photographer's Guide to Luminar 4

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Jun 2020 | Rocky Nook | 9781681984049 | 256pp | 254x203mm | RFB | AUD$59.99, NZD$69.99
In The Photographer's Guide to Luminar 4, photographer Jeff Carlson helps you discover Luminar's best features to take full advantage of the program for all your photography needs.
For photographers looking for either an alternative to Adobe Lightroom or simply a fantastic photo-editing application at a great price, Luminar is increasingly the solution for both professional and amateur photographers. From a powerful RAW engine that includes real-time noise reduction and advanced colour processing and sharpening tools to customisable workspaces, intelligent photo editing filters, and adaptive presets that streamline your photo editing, Luminar has everything you need to quickly create stunning photos.While the software is intuitive and fairly easy to use, you'll still benefit greatly from having a guide walk you through the amazing capabilities of this software to discover its true depth and speed.
In The Photographer's Guide to Luminar 4, photographer Jeff Carlson helps you discover Luminar 4's best features to take full advantage of the program for all your photography needs. From importing your images to editing, managing, and exporting your files, Jeff showcases the power, precision, and control of Luminar while teaching you to work quickly and efficiently.