Parental Leave and Beyond: Recent international developments and current issues and future directions

Paperback | Jul 2020 | Policy Press | 9781447338789 | 392pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$67.99, NZD$79.99
Presents comparative research on care policy across the western world, including Spain, Poland, the UK, Israel, Japan, China, Mexico and the US, deepening understanding about the past, present and future of leave policies, highlighting the diversity of past trajectories, current practices and future options.
This volume brings together contributors from eighteen countries to provide international perspectives on the politics of parental leave policies in different parts of the world. Initially looking at the politics of care leave policies in eight countries across Europe, the US, Latin America and Asia, the book moves on to consider a variety of key issues in depth, including gender equality, flexibility and challenges for fathers in using leave.
In the final section of the book, contributors look beyond the early parenthood period to consider possible future directions for care leave policy in order to address the wider changes and challenges that our societies face.