Ox: Selected Poems
MTC Cronin

Paperback | Dec 2024 | Puncher and Wattmann | 9781922571588 | 220pp | 210x148mm | GEN | AUD$25.00, NZD$27.00

With her first book, Zoetrope, in 1995, MTC Cronin announced herself as a very particular force in Australian poetry. It was not just that her début was so much more immediately arresting than most poets’ first outings, but also that it had real authority. This quality of her work, which has been evident in every book since, has made Cronin one of the most remarkable and enduring figures of the Australian poetic landscape. Ox: Selected Poems contains the best of her work from nearly 30 years writing and gives a unique overview of one of Australian poetry's most original thinkers.