Juntos: Italian for Speakers of English and Spanish, Third Edition

Paperback | 3rd Edition | Mar 2021 | Hackett Publishing | 9781585109548 | 320pp | 254x203mm | RFB | AUD$99.00, NZD$119.99
Juntos: Italian for Speakers of English and Spanish, Third Edition, is the first comprehensive textbook for the teaching of Italian to students who already possess knowledge of Spanish, whether as L1 Spanish speakers, heritage speakers, or L2 Spanish learners. Suitable for students at the high school and college levels, Juntos is also the first textbook to cultivate interlinguistic awareness through intercomprehension, developing bridges that foster the recognition and use of students' bilingual repertoire as a tool for learning Italian and acquiring other Romance languages.
- Networked approach that motivates learners to draw on their multilingual language repertoire to acquire reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Italian
- Innovative activities that encourage multilingual, multicultural, and metalinguistic thinking and analysis
- Readings and translation activities that promote and develop trans-languaging — the practice of drawing from one's multilingual linguistic repertoire as a whole when thinking, speaking, and writing
- Full-colour interior, with illustrations and easy-to-read, colour-coded language recognition system
- Companion website with audio files and supplemental web-based activities that reinforce students' intercultural awareness and literacy