Internationalisation of Post-1992 UK Universities: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Hardback | Mar 2020 | Anthem Press | 9781785271168 | 190pp | 215x139mm | RFB | AUD$37.99, NZD$84.99
An examination of internationalisation drivers, their cost to the organisation and the effect overseas.
When they gained university status, ex-polytechnics expected to be funded on a par with their new university colleagues. This was not the case and a number of government initiatives encouraged them to look overseas to recruit fee-paying students. Internationalisation of Post-1992 UK Universities details how the reaction to these initiatives changed the nature of post-1992 universities. It also looks at how these universities work overseas and how foreign government strategies and policies mean that they are helping competitors and ensuring that foreign students gain a better educational experience than home students.