Insights into 19 Ateliers: Photography by Sibylle Mania

Hardback | Jan 2021 | Arnoldsche | 9783897905900 | 88pp | 240x260mm | RFB | AUD$54.99, NZD$64.99
Insights into the secretive worlds of artists' studios
Sibylle Mania's Insights into 19 Ateliers are more than just a chronicle of studios and workshops — they are windows into the world of creative processes. Yet in these analog black and-white photographs, the artists themselves remain hidden. Within the intimate interiors, secretive chaos merges with productive efficiency. It is this interplay that fully draws the viewer into the world of painters, sculptors, ceramicists, photographers, metalworkers, and graphic artists. Sibylle Mania takes a step back as photographer and, in her meticulously selected details of the untouched workshops, leaves us with the impression of being immersed in a place where inspiration can turn into creation at any moment.