Identity, Equity and Social Justice in Asia Pacific Education

Paperback | Dec 2018 | Monash University Publishing | 9781925523645 | 208pp | 234x153mm | GEN | AUD$49.95, NZD$59.99
Beginning from a recognition of the fact that, as individuals, the way we think of social justice will depend on our understanding of who we are, Identity, Equity and Social Justice in Asia Pacific Education recognises and responds to the wide range of contextual and cultural perspectives informing notions of social justice across Asia Pacific educational environments. While frequently featuring as a key concept in both policy and practice, social justice is understood differently by educators and policy makers in different nations and regions. Case studies of equality and justice, fairness and equity, within educational institutions of the Asia Pacific, inform innovative contributions here to wider contemporary scholarly and public debates. This book will facilitate a more nuanced understanding of the cultural dimensions of social justice, and allow future researchers to apply new frameworks of understanding that can be expected to be of increasing relevance to educational practice.