Horizon Zero Dawn: Vol. 1

Paperback | Jan 2021 | Titan Comics | 9781785861260 | 112pp | 257x168mm | GEN | AUD$32.99, NZD$37.99
A new adventure with Talanah and Aloy awaits! Horizon: a far-future Earth full of epic natural beauty and forgotten ruins, where awe-inspiring, animal-like machines are the dominant species and humans struggle to survive in pre-industrial tribes.
In the aftermath of a titanic battle that almost laid waste to the capital city of Meridian, Talanah, one of the greatest machine-hunters in the land, struggles to find her place in the rebuilding effort.
Making matters worse, Aloy, her trusted friend and confidant, has disappeared. When a new threat emerges in the hinterlands, she must decide how best to serve her tribe, her friends, and herself.