Geometry, Simplicity, Play: Exhibiting Vico Magistretti

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Apr 2020 | Actar | 9781948765527 | 72pp | 288x240mm | RFB | AUD$59.99, NZD$69.99
The book provides a reflection on the conceptual framework of Milanese architect and industrial designer Vico Magistretti, his work and relevance to issues facing designers today.
Following and extending from the Vico Magistretti-Travelling Archive exhibition at the Melbourne Design Week 2019, the book Geometry, Simplicity, Play: Exhibiting Vico Magistretti relates this exhibition to Magistretti's design approach and theoretical thought through texts and illustrations that discuss the above exhibition installation and projects by Magistretti, from both industrial design and architecture fields.
The book focuses in particular to the sense of 'conceptual simplicity', playfulness and geometry that inform Magistretti's work, is also part of the extended discourse that is undertaken internationally in 2020 over the centenary year of Magistretti's birth date (1920-2006).