Fit to Compete: Why Honest Conversations About Your Company's Capabilities Are the Key to a Winning Strategy

Hardback (B401) | Feb 2020 | Harvard Business Review Press | 9781633692305 | 304pp | 234x155mm | GEN | AUD$49.99, NZD$59.99
In thirty years of working in corporations, Michael Beer has witnessed how organisational silence has derailed many a strategic objective. When lower-level employees in the organisation can't speak truth to power, senior leaders don't hear what they need to hear about their firm's fitness to compete. Employees lose trust in higher-ups and become more resistant to change.
In Fit to Compete, Beer presents an antidote to silence — an innovative and highly effective process for holding honest conversations with everyone in your organization. Used by over 150 organisations across the globe, the Strategic Fitness Process has helped leaders in industries as diverse as medical technology, restaurant chains, and pharmaceuticals hear the raw and necessary truth about the sources of misalignment between their strategies and their organisations.
In addition to a step-by-step guide, Beer offers detailed and illustrative case studies of companies that have used the Strategic Fitness Process to great effect. He also shows how to apply the process more broadly, to a variety of strategic challenges and at multiple levels throughout the organisation.