Adding The Blue: Paintings by Chrissie Hynde

Hardback (B401) | Nov 2018 | Genesis Publications | 9781905662548 | 212pp | 336x263mm | GEN | AUD$19.99, NZD$24.99
'I always thought I would get into painting, but I got waylaid by rock 'n' roll...' — Chrissie Hynde
Featuring oil paintings by Chrissie Hynde, Adding The Blue presents nearly 200 original artworks for the very first time, accompanied by introductory text and captions in Hynde's own words. The artworks include a range of styles including a range of styles including self-portraits, figurative and abstract patterns and still life studies. The introduction and commentary provided by Hynde on her influences and inspiration is characteristically (and refreshingly) self-deprecating, wry and wise. Adding The Blue is an unexpected and personal book of paintings which will delight Hynde's fans worldwide and also anyone who is a lover of painting and fine art.