5 Ways to be Famous Now

Paperback | Sep 2016 | Transit Lounge | 9780994395757 | 192pp | 234x153mm | GEN | AUD$27.99, NZD$34.99
'Subtly savage humour. ' – Gabrielle Carey, author of Moving Among Strangers, Winner PM's Literary Awards 2014. A glamorous ocean liner, inspired by the original ghostly Queen Mary, sets sail on its maiden voyage from Hobart to Antarctica. The personal plaything of the super-rich Kirstin McKinley, those on board include the novel's unnamed narrator, a library assistant with a passion for fire and revenge. Lily Zelinski, a journalist on the hunt for a big story. Shanti Bounty, a yoga teacher in Birkenstocks. Monica Frequen, the once celebrated author of Sea of Love. And Adriane Jones, a Diana devotee, who long ago met the Princess when working in a war-zone hell. She still carries Diana's secret with her. All are deliciously connected in unforseen ways. The journey in 5 Ways to be Famous Now is wild and rollicking, full of Maurilia Meehan's trademark satirical wit and sharp observation. This is a delightful and amusing novel – and just a little bit savage – for anyone who ever wanted to know the secrets of fame. On Maurilia Meehan's previous novel Madame Bovary's Haberdashery 'Decadently delicious.'– Jennifer Byrne